
The following are selected Briefs, Commentaries, Discussions, Essays, Interviews, Open Letters, Presentations, Radio Programs, Reports, Headline Thoughts, and Working Papers on Media-related topics from a Black economics perspective.

Open Letter: “2024 Open Letter to Black Americans (Afrodescendants) Concerning the Media” (December 27, 2024) (137 KB) [2024oltbacm.pdf] We resurrect an urgent plea for Black America to make “a main thing the main thing.” We should recognize the power of the media, discontinue our complicity in its use for our own destruction, and deploy a “tried and true” weapon against the media—the courts.

HLT: “Headline Thoughts No. 5” (October 25, 2024) (225 KB) [COLSHLT5102524.pdf] It discusses aspects of three topical headlines that are likely important for Black Americans but that are non-headlines because we do not control the public narrative.

Essay: “What We Don’t See and Research” (October 4, 2024) (183 KB) [WWDSOR100424.pdf] This essay analyzes oligarchs’ and plutocrats’ historical strategies that relied on invisible elements to guide Black America down a detrimental path until recently. It is a call for a clearer and sharper consciousness along with improved research and planning by Black America to escape this path and chart a new trajectory to improved wellbeing, independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, self-determination, and true liberty.

HLT: “Headline Thoughts 4” (September 13, 2024) (229 KB) [COLSHLT4091324.pdf] This “Headline Thoughts” covers five mini topics that concern Black America’s short- and long-run wellbeing broadly. However, each mini topic also has special significance for us economically.

HLT: “Headline Thoughts 3” (August 9, 2024) (360 KB) [COLHLT3080924.pdf] This third “Headline Thoughts” submission covers: (1) Kamala’s Money; (2) The Gift of Health; and (3) Efficacy of Common Health Practices. Your thoughts about our thoughts are welcomed.

Brief Essay: “Stop Coloring Within the Lines: Don’t Miss Oppenheimer’s Messages” (May 31, 2024) (240 KB) [SCWTL053124.pdf] This essay seeks to motivate Black Americans—Black economists in particular—to recognize the not so hidden messages in the 2023 blockbuster movie, Oppenheimer, which elucidates the importance of supreme knowledge in securing power, authority, and control. To become more relevant and contribute persistently to global outcomes, Black economists—and Black Americans generally—should venture far beyond (coloring outside the lines) race and ethnicity topics and identify and explore new concepts, principles, and industries that will be beneficial for tomorrow’s world.

HLT: “Headline Thoughts No. 2” (May 3, 2024) (220 KB) This HLT is wideranging. It commences with consideration of newspaper cartoons, and then stimulates thoughts about the two most publicized ongoing wars, media and government treatment of Black versus White males for alledged past sexual misconduct, and homeslessness.

HLT: “Headline Thoughts No. 1” (February 9, 2024) (228 KB) [HLT1(020924).pdf] Headline Thoughts (HLT) are brief reflections of our contemplations on, and conclusions about, recent and important media/press headlines from a Black American economic perspective. For the first HLTs, we consider the Middle East, innovation, and debt. We invite your thoughts about our thoughts. Also, please consider a reader comment from Kennis Henry, N’COBRA National Female Co-Chair.

Commentary: “Is Money on the Table or is it Already Taken?” (February 2, 2024) (274 KB) [IMOTTORIIAT.pdf] This succinct commentary poses important questions concerning Black America’s failure to take advantage of the current and favorable litigious environment and seek relief for our pain and suffering from past and present adverse stereotypical images of Black Americans in the media. Also, a comment was provided by Mzee Asinia Lukata Chikuyu.

Radio Program: Dr. Brooks Robinson joins other Long-Term Strategic Plan (LTSP) Panelists in discussing the Social Protection sector of the Long-Term Strategic Plan for Black America on Sankofa Revolutionary Radio’s “The Business Hour” program. (October 18, 2023) (54.4 MB) [BE_org_LTSP_101823.MP3].

Radio Program: Dr. Brooks Robinson analyzes and discusses “Begging for Everything But Salvation” on the “Afternoon Show” with Atiba Buchanan and Arlene Hill on WVON Radio in Chicago, IL. (September 6, 2023) (50.4 MB) [be_org-wvon-090623.MP3]

Radio Program: Dr. Brooks Robinson interviews Prof. Mavery Davis of West Virginia State University (an HBCU) on Sankofa Revolutionary Radio’s “The Business Hour” program. They discuss Black American cooperative business formation historically and in the context of the Long-Term Strategic Plan for Black America. (August 30, 2023) (57.5 MB) [BE_ORG_SRR_083023.MP3] (We apologize for the quality of the recording.)

Report Brief:  “Why Racism? Black American Adverse Stereotypes in the WSJ (August 18, 2023) (381 KB) [WRBAASITWSJ.pdf] This Report Brief explores the most aggressive promulgation of adverse stereotypical images of Black Americans identified in a US newspaper to date by It reemphasizes that these images serve as key culprits for racial prejudice formation and produce racial discriminatory behavior.

Radio Program: Dr. Brooks Robinson appeared on Sankofa Revolutionary Radio’s “The Business Hour” program and discussed think tanks and strategic planning for Black America with host Mr. Richard Finley and guest Mr. Joe Hudson. (July 21, 2023) (58.6 MB) [SRR-072123.MP3].

Analysis Brief: “Addressing Racist Media Stereotypes” (July 7, 2023) (368 KB) [ARMS070723.pdf] This analysis brief considers the pervasiveness of racist media stereotypes and the egregious injuries caused by them. It proposes strategic actions that can be taken to address them.

Commentary: “Communication” (June 30, 2023) (233 KB) [COM063023.pdf] Explains the importance of communication in Black American life, the harm caused by it, and potential and available solutions.

Brief Essay: “Should We Believe the NYT on Reading Education?” (June 16, 2023) (257 KB) [MISSREAD.pdf] Provides a clear and concise analysis of a recent New York Times’ opinion piece that presents Mississippi as a poster child for achieving reading excellence. The essay confirms that even “high-quality” media sources can serve up inaccurate and misleading information.

Open Letter: “Open Letter to Black Americans Concerning the Media” (June 9, 2023) (203 KB) [OLTBACM.pdf] Continues’s efforts to convince Black Americans that we must move to brake the unfolding of untold injuries caused by the media.

Open Letter: “Open Letter to HBCU Law School Deans: Reparations for Black American Defamation.” (March 10, 2023) (155 KB) [OLTHBCULS.pdf] This open letter proposes that the Big 6 HBCU law schools jointly engage to file a defamation claim in the courts seeking relief for US media defamation of Black Americans. Also, your actionable support is requested.

Radio Program: Dr. Brooks B. Robinson is in a two-hour conversation with WVON’s (1690 AM in Chicago, IL) Atiba Buchanan: MLK’s Day – Prosperity Then and Now (January 16, 2023) (113.8 MB) [BE_ORG_WVON_011623.MP3]. The program commences at the 10-minute mark. Please accept our apology for the frequency and duration of advertisements.

Presentation: “Is the Media a Problem for Black America? Part II” (November 4, 2022) (1,127 KB) [IMAPFBAP2.pdf] Provides lucid images and analysis of the media’s ongoing efforts to feminize Black males, and the need to reverse these efforts.

Essay: “Reparations for Mass Media Defamation” (October 21, 2022) (331 KB) [RFMMD.pdf] Concerns the need for Black Americans to ensure that the courts identify the mass media as a direct and indirect contributing cause/reason for harmful racial bias and racial discrimination in the society, which is another in the long list of reasons for the US Government to extend Reparations to Black Americans.

Summit Participation: Dr. Brooks Robinson participated in an “Afrodescendant Nation Self-Determination Summit 2022” on October 8, 2022. The summit featured a panel of experts who discussed prospects and pathways to self-determination for Afrodescendants.

Essay: “A Reconsideration of Hip-Hop Music: Who is the Opposer?” (September 16, 2022) (366 KB) [AROHH-WTO.pdf] Rob Robinson revisits the failed 1990s war on hip-hop music by noted Black American personalities, and highlights the extraordinary business achievements of important and wealthy Black hip-hop artists then and now.

Report Brief: “Does Your Local Newspaper Present a Preponderance of Biased Black American Images?” (September 16, 2022) (248 KB) [BBAIILN.pdf] Presents an assessment of Black American images in a local Hawaii Newspaper–the Star Advertiser.

Radio Program: co-contributors (Dr. Brooks Robinson and Mr. Lindsey “Rob” Robinson) appeared on Sankofa Revolutionary Radio’s “Calling All Bridge Builders Program” and discussed a water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi and the Alabama gubernatorial election. (September 3, 2022) (89.7 MB) [SRR-090322.MP3]

Brief Essay: “It’s Not ‘News:’ It’s Infotainment” (August 26, 2022) (301 KB) [INNII.pdf] Explores increasing infotainment elements in television “news,” the persistent loss of high-quality and timely information in television “news,” and the related impact on Black American business and economic decision making.

Radio Program: co-contributors (Dr. Brooks Robinson and Mr. Lindsey “Rob” Robinson) appeared on Sankofa Revolutionary Radio’s “The Business Hour Program” and discussed “Concerns about CHIPS,” “Fortuitous Unity and Trust,” and “Antecedent Events, Factors, and Conditions.” (August 9, 2022) (94 MB) [BE-SRR-080922.MP3]

Radio Interview: Dr. Brooks Robinson Discusses “Getting Our Own Street” on “Afternoon with Egonmwan and Buchanan” on WVON, 1690 AM Chicago. (July 26, 2022) (60 MB) [BEVON072622.MP3] Due to technical difficulties, you will join the program in progress.

Commentary: “Media Magic” (July 8, 2022) (222 KB) [MEDIAMAGIC.pdf]

Radio Interview: Dr. Brooks Robinson Discusses Black Political Parties on “Afternoon with Egonmwan and Buchanan” on WVON, 1690 AM in Chicago. (July 7, 2022) (134 MB) [BEVON070722.MP3]

Commentary: “We Have Always Had to Purchase Our Liberties” (June 24, 2022) (249 KB) [LIBERTIES.pdf]

Commentary: “The Media Too” (June 10, 2022) (241 KB) [TMT.pdf]

Radio Interview: Dr. Brooks Robinson discusses the Buffalo Massacre with Messrs. Milton Allimadi and Colin Benjamin on WBAI Radio in New York (May 24, 2022) [WBAIPROG052422.MP3]

Radio Discussion: Dr. Brooks Robinson and Mr. Lindsey “Rob” Robinson participate in a wide ranging discussion on Black socioeconomics issues on Sankofa Revolutionary Radio (WSYP 95.1 in Birmingham, Alabama). (January 28, 2022) [BR-RR-012822.MP3]

Commentary: “Two Noteworthy Developments” (January 7, 2022) (390 KB) [TND.pdf]

Commentary: “Using the Power of the Media for Good” (November 24, 2021) (430 KB) [UPMFG.pdf]

Presentation: “Is the Media a Problem for Black America?” (November 12, 2021) (1942 KB) [IMAPFBA.pdf]

Report Brief: “The Media Gap: Implications for Black America” (October 29, 2021) (623 KB) [TMGIBA.pdf]

Radio Interview: Mr. Anthony Muhammad Interviews Dr. Brooks Robinson and Mr. Lindsey “Rob” Robinson on a Sankofa Revolutionary Radio Broadcast of “The Business Hour” Program. (October 21, 2021) (100.1 MB) [SRR-TBH-102121.MP3]

Essay: “How is Black Entrepreneurship Affected by the Media?” (October 8, 2021) (421 KB) [HBEAM.pdf]

Commentary: “Incorrect Diagnosis and Prescription” (September 3, 2021) (399 KB) [IDP.pdf]

Essay: “What Popular Movies Do and Don’t Do” (May 28, 2021) (404 KB) [WPMDADD.pdf]

Report Brief: TNYT and TWP: Persistent Enemies of Black Americans” (February 7, 2021) (440 KB) [PEBA2.pdf]

Commentary: “The Psychoeconomics of ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’ and ‘One Night in Miami'” (January 24, 2021) (400 KB) [TPMRBBNM.pdf]

Responding Opinions: An important shaper of thought on Black American issues, Mr. Dedrick Assante-Muhammad, conflated reparations with the Black-White (racial) wealth gap in  a submission to The Guardian on July 12, 2020 entitled  “The Simplest Way to Close the Racial Wealth Gap? Direct Cash Payments.” responds to that submission with two submissions of its own: (1) “Sundering Reparations from the Black-White Wealth Gap and Spotlighting a More Important Gap” by Rob Robinson (359 KB) [SRFBWWGSMIG.pdf]; and (2) “Why $20K for 20 Years is an Untenable Solution” by B.B. Robinson (511 KB) [W2020YIAUS.pdf] (August 2020; released January 1, 2021)

Report Brief:  “TNYT and TWP: Enemies of Black America”  (February 16, 2019)  (246 KB)  [PEBA.pdf]

Commentary:  “A Poisonous Black Panther”  (March 10, 2018)  (53 KB) [APBP.pdf]

Commentary:  “Banning Adverse Stereotypes for Economic Benefit”  (July 22, 2017)  (156 KB)  [BASEB.pdf] 

Commentary:  “’Selma:’ Lost Time, Lost Opportunity”  (January 24, 2015)  (155 KB) [SELMA.pdf]

Commentary:  “The Most Important Element in ‘Top Five’”  (December 21, 2014) (143 KB) [TOPFIVE.pdf]

Commentary:  “When Does the Exception Become the Rule?”  (November 23, 2014)  (149 KB) [WDEBR.pdf]

Radio Interview:  “Tony Power and Lee Miller Interview Dr. Brooks Robinson concerning resolving the Black-White Wealth Gap”  (January 2, 2014)  (12,394 KB) [TPLM.mp3]

Radio Interview:  “Chicago’s Charles Butler Interviews Dr. Brooks Robinson concerning ‘Black Economic Sustainability’”  (April 30, 2013)  (25,510 KB) [TT.mp3]

Commentary:  “Django Unchained: Survive to Act Another Day”  (December 29, 2012)  (72 KB) [DJANGO.pdf]

Report:  “ Attends the First World Afrodescendant Youth Summit (WAYS) in San Jose, Cost Rica”  (October 5-7, 2011) (159,445 K)  [WAYSFIN.wmv]

Radio Interview:  “Mr. Paul Billings Interviews Dr. Brooks Robinson concerning ’72 Percent of Black Babies Born Out of Wedlock’ for WUVS FM 203.7 in Muskegon, MI”  (November 29, 2010)  (25,472 KB)  [BOWL.mp3]

Article:  “Black Unemployment and Infotainment”  (Published in the Journal of Economic Inquiry: Vol. 47, No. 1; pp. 98-117) (253 KB) [CHAPTERFIVE.pdf]

Radio Interview:  “Mr. Paul Billings Interviews Dr. Brooks Robinson concerning ‘Black Businesses and Black America’ for WUVS FM 203.7 in Muskegon, MI”  (December 2, 2008)  (24,595 KB)  [WUVS.mp3]

Video: “Commercialism and ‘End of Times’ Economics” (November 30, 2008) (5,656 KB) [CETE.wmv]

Video:  “The Problem with CNN’s ‘Black in America’”  (July 27, 2008)  (9,694 KB) [BIAP.wmv]

Video: “Why are There No Black Faces on Greenbacks?” (April 25, 2008) (6,838 KB) [BLACKDOLS.wmv]

Working Paper:  “Media as Cause and Cure for Black American Vulnerabilities”  (May 6, 2007) (77 KB)  [MACACBV.pdf]

Unpublished Manuscript: Black Americans and the Media: An Economic Perspective (2007) (38 KB) [BAMOV.pdf]