The following is a list of Publications that are available for your reading pleasure.

A 2024-2029 Strategic Plan for Securing Black American (Afrodescendant) Reparations.-A nine-chapter pocketbook that uses these ripe times to urge an accelerated surge in the pursuit of Black American (Afrodescendant) Reparations. It provides background information for leveling the conversation field on the Reparations topic. It offers a concise strategic plan for securing reparations in the near term. It vanquishes traditional arguments against extending Reparations to Black Americans (Afrodescendants). Most importantly, it suggests a pain-free method for paying the Reparations claim.

A Purer Democracy.–Many electorate members still view US democracy as a one-person one-vote concept and system. Unfortunately, this is an incorrect view of governance in the US. For a very long time, US governance has been largely commandeered by oligarchs and plutocrats and their corporations, which have resources sufficient to influence significantly and extensively electoral, policy formulation, and policy implementation processes. This monograph anticipates the future when an adequate proportion of Americans recognize the fallacy of US “democracy,” and act radically to usher in a transformed governance system—”cyber governance”—using digital technologies to level the playing field. Under cyber governance, one-person one-vote becomes a reality and produces a purer democracy. Black America can benefit from this political change because we represent the median vote. Also, cyber governance is an excellent paradigm for Black Americans living as a self-determined people.

Exodus.–President Barack Obama released a new book in 2020 entitled A Promised Land. In biblical and practical traditions, however, one must go out (exodus) in order to reach a promised land. This seven-chapter book provides who, what, when, where, why, and how answers for a Black American exodus. It begins with a deep psychoanalytical question that every Black American should confront: “Once a slave, forever a slave?” From there, it confirms that, given history, it is not tenable for White and Black Americans to reside together into the future in a stable and sustainable equilibrium because “All it Takes is One.” It analyzes the role of migration as a path to nation formation. Then the book sets forth two strategies for exodus: (1) A territorial grab strategy where Black Americans occupy states that reflect a minimal White-to-Black population advantage currently; and (2) a full-blown nation formation effort following an amicable agreement with the US government to grant reparatory justice in the form of land, materiel, and international support. The book concludes with a vision of the Black-White American outcome if Black America fails to exodus. Simply put, the book is a call for reparations and exodus now! It is a must read for woke Black folk in 2021.

Takeconomics: A Counterintuitive Perspective.–This collection of brief essays contrasts and compares “takeconomics” and “economics.” Takeconomics is the “study of taking/extracting resources from the environment.” Economics, on the other hand, is the “study of the distribution of scarce resources.” The essays highlight how the Western world has practiced takeconomics to the detriment of the non-Western world—forcing the latter to economize and experience severe want. The expectation is that non-White people of the world will use the realizations derived from Takeconomics to reorient their thinking about how to develop and build social, political, and commercials systems in the future. The volume is especially instructive for Black America’s plans going forward.

The Case for Nation Formation.–A collection of seven commentaries that build on Coates’ “The Case for Reparations.” It is unique because it delineates rationales for a Black American effort to initiate our own new nation. The book describes why we are prepared and qualified to operate our own nation, and it discusses potential outcomes if we do not make the effort. The social-political-economy is ripe for nation formation efforts. It is up to us to take advantage of this temporary opportunity.

21st Century Protests: A Handbook for Black America.–Moves the smaller Black American nation beyond a cycle of pain, protests, concessions, and then return to the status quo with the larger US nation. The book features 12 economic-related strategies that represent pin-point attacks on a system that allows marginal filtering of Black Americans up the economic hierarchy, while ensuring that over 25 percent of Black Americans remain locked out and without hope for advancement. In a Black Lives Matter era that perpetuates the old pattern of marching in the streets and verbal confrontations, 21st Century Protests provides a new path that reflects the spirit of the American Revolution and economic tit-for-tat strategies. When properly operationalized, 21st Century Protests can improve Black America’s well-being now and into the future.

A 3rd Freedom.–Recounts a brief economic history of African descendants’ first two freedoms in the United States, and it builds a case for a third freedom, which will feature nation formation. It is a logical next step for African descendants who are experiencing severe adverse political, social, and economic outcomes in the country today. We suggest that this third freedom be considered in the context of a broad, long-term economic strategy for US African descendants. This monograph is a must read for those who want to focus clearly into view what has happened to African descendants in America over the past nearly 400 years, and to grasp a well-thought-out vision of a favorable and very possible future.

The Tragedy of Contemporary Gospel Music.–Afrodescendants’ position at the lower-end of economic metrics in the US was reinforced during the Great Recession of 2008-2009. Social groups in such a position are expected to use all available resources to improve their plight—including religion. A key component of the Afrodescendant religious tradition (in and outside of religious liturgies) is Gospel Music. No question about it, Gospel Music has been used historically as a motive force for improving conditions for Afrodescendants. Did Afrodescendants use Gospel Music to improve our economic condition in response to the Great Recession? More broadly, what are the discernable effects of contemporary Gospel Music? The Tragedy of Contemporary Gospel Music reflects findings from musical, content, and Probit regression analysis of contemporary Gospel Music. We find that, while economic concerns are strongly present in the Gospel Music exchange, the medium is not widely used to motivate improved economic outcomes for Afrodescendants.

Monologue on Race: A Pump Primer for Afrodescendant Thought.–Nearly two and one-half generations ago when Afrodescendant leaders forged racial integration policies and the way ahead, did they anticipate today’s status quo? Did they expect better or worse outcomes than we are experiencing in 2013? Today, Afrodescendants lag far behind the rest of the nation in income, wealth formation, and most other important social indicators. Over 25 percent of all Black Americans are living in or near poverty. Is this what we bargained for? The obvious answer is an emphatic “no.” What we know today is that racial integration is impotent to produce equality in a society where little action is taken to squelch White Supremacist attitudes. Monologue on Race invites Afrodescendants to conduct our own 360-degree analysis of the issues and to decide for ourselves whether it is time to chart a new path for Black America’s development. It is a guide that poses pertinent questions and suggests starting-point answers. Readers can use Monologue on Race to ignite their own thinking and develop their own framework for analyzing the issues, living their lives, and fashioning a strategy for the future.

Pay to Let Us Go: Afrodescendants’ Benefits and Costs to America.–Explores the benefits provided and the costs imposed by Afrodescendants on the American society. Benefits and costs are analyzed in broad and narrow contexts. The focus is on benefits and costs to US governments: Federal, State, and Local. Estimates are prepared of the 2010 incomes earned and taxes paid by Afrodescendants, and of the costs imposed on governments through eight functional categories: General public service, Public order and safety, Economic affairs, Housing and community services, Health, Recreation and culture, Education, and Income Security. After comparing the taxes paid by Afrodescendants and the share of government expenditures that are made to meet their needs, we conclude that Afrodescendants impose an over $425 billion net fiscal burden on the American society. We project this fiscal imbalance out 25-to-50 years, and determine that this burden may be too much to bear. This outcome causes us to inquire about the timing of a rising tide of opposition to continued government support for Afrodescendants in America.

53.–Urges Afrodescendants to begin planning seriously for the future. Given that life has been relatively unfavorable for the majority of Black Americans historically, 53 considers the options that Afrodescendants have selected in order to achieve a life of equality and devoid of racism. Specifically, 53 considers five pre-20th century nation formation and three independent living efforts that were undertaken by Black Americans. As a bonus, two 20th century nation formation efforts are also detailed. 53 also develops a current and futuristic (out to 2050) statistical profile for Afrodescendants in the context of seven socio-economic categories: Population, employment, income, entrepreneurship, education, criminal justice, and health. These seven categories are analyzed statistically using a “53” paradigm: That is, five courses of action (“Do Nothing,” “Accelerate Integration,” “Resegregate,” “Diaspora,” and “Nation Formation”) for three classes of Afrodescendants (low, middle, and upper income). The monograph does not present conclusions from the analyses. Rather it invites Afrodescendants to join the discourse and use the statistical profiles that are provided to begin to formulate directions that Blacks Americans should take going forward.

Change: Black America’s Religion.–Whether you are Christian or Muslim, do not be afraid to read this new book that provides guidance on constructing a tailor-made religion for Black Americans. It explains: (1) Why Black Americans should construct their own religion; (2) the good, bad, and ugly aspects of the Black Christian Church; (3) the key general and individual requirements for a Black American religion; and (4) the importance of adopting an appropriate paradigm for change. CHANGE is the third book in a trilogy that includes: CHOICE: Black America’s Decision and CHOSEN: Black America’s Calling.

Chosen: Black America’s Calling.–A three-essay volume that is intended to move Black Americans toward nation formation. Essay 1 (“Hebrews/Jews and Black Americans”) is a “religious” essay, which suggests that Black Americans are a chosen people for this dispensation. Essay 2 (“Time to Move”) is a “historical” essay that describes current and future conditions that will motivate Black Americans to move toward nation formation. Essay 3 (“Point Zero Nation Formation”) is an “economic futures” essay, which provides a suggested blueprint that Black Americans can use to construct a solid plan for founding our own nation. This book builds on an earlier (2009) work (Choice: Black America’s Decision), but it provides considerably more context, which justifies a move toward nation formation by Black Americans. While nation formation may appear to be a non-existent alternative at this time, conditions may unfold unexpectedly and rapidly, which force Black Americans to initiate nation formation efforts.

Choice: Black America’s Decision.–A futuristic social essay that transmits the seed of nation formation for Black America. It considers the past, present, and the future, and delineates the poor strategic decision making that has prevented, and will prevent, Black Americans from proper goal selection and from successful goal achievement. However, it motivates Black Americans to improve our future prospects by developing and considering nation formation strategies and efforts, respectively.

BlackEconomics: A Primer.–Presents facts about Black Americans in context. Very few persons in the world have mastered the information about Blacks that is presented in this book. Yet, it is information that is required if one is to discuss Blacks in an economic context. The book begins by defining key economic terms and concepts, and discusses them from a Black perspective. The second major section of the book presents information concerning the economics of Black personalities. The third section focuses on Black socio-economic conditions and institutions. The goal is to provide the reader with easy and ready facts and figures that enable appropriate analyses of Blacks in America from an economic perspective. In other words, the book is about Black economics.